العبيد بين المطرقة والسندان قراءة في مصنفات الجاحظ


  • م . د. دنيا طالب محمد


Slaves live among the hammer of bitterness living under the rule of a despotic individual and the tyranny of his tyranny, between two things that are both evil. Al-Jahiz dealt with the examination and scrutiny to give us precise descriptions and disciplined systematic knowledge organized in a unique theoretical format.

      We will not add anything, but we have to say that Al-Jahiz is an encyclopedic world. The field of phenomena that he has been exposed to and his deep insights on some important issues have been noticed, analyzed and derived from them. He is the writer who chooses the eyes of Arab poetry and prose to create it in various works

But the addition that we hope to provide is to shed light on a marginalized social group in Islamic history: the class of slaves in the works of Al-Jahiz, who counted the man of his age undisputedly "speaking with the logic of that era and aware of his economic interests and social necessities" (1).

   We will divide our research into two main axes, we care about the first slaves in the Al-Jahiz community, and the second with the declared or hidden positions of Al-Jahez. But the first element would be to invade the material longer than the second.





