انماط السلوك القيادي لدى رؤساء اقسام كليات جامعة ذي قار في ضوء نظرية دورة الحياة وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات


  • admin
  • م. ميثم محمد فيصل


      The study aims to identify the leadership behavior patterns of the heads of departments of the university of Thi-Qar in the light cycle theory and its  relation to some variables. The sample of the research from all members of the society (from the heads of scientific departments in the university of Thi-Qar)that amounts to (81)of the year (2017-2018)

In order to achieve of the aims of the research the researcher adopts      

 IA kanani scale(2011) for leading behavioral patterns and after collection of the data the following results were reached :

1-The convening behavioral (%26.4)came first, followed by the participation behavioral(%24) , then controlling behavioral(%19)then the delegate behavior (%10.8).

2-No statistically  significant differences at level(%0.05) in the sample of the research in both the male and female                                             

3-No statistically significant differences at level(%0.05) in the sample of

  the research in both (scientific .humanity

4--No statistically significant differences at level(%0.05) in the sample of

  the research in the functional service

(The Recommendations)

1-Hold qualifying courses for department heads run by those in the

Management specialty

2- Design incentive system is fair and flexible

3- Conduct a representative study to identify leadership behavior






