العتبات النّصية في المجموعة القصصية(الذي سرق نجمة) للقاصة(سناء شعلان)


  • م. أزهار علي عاصي


The research deals with the textual thresholds in the narrative group(which stole a star) by the writer sana shaalan these thresholds (title author introduction obituaries and cover) are vary important in any writing and are basic procedural keys used by the write to ex plore the oppressive vistes of the text the textual thresholds in this collection formed a vary textual  accompaniment to what was contained in the narrative texts the writer has shipped to the signs of high signal value leads lead reader in one way another to the depths of the text with a deliberate intention this group tells the writers philosophy and affiliation if it raises the probiematic relationship with the language which is the value of the whole group is a victory for the idea of courage and disclosure and recognition and criminalization of corrupt without fear or ambiguity the writer is also embarking on this group to carry out her great humanitarian mission rebellion struggle and revolution against injustice and injustice for a just honorable human life                                  





