Irreconcilability of Classes in E. M. Forster's Where Angels Fear To Tread and Howards End


  • Assist. Lect. Ahmed Hashim Abbas


  1. M. Forster (1879-1970) is one of the controversial writers in the history of modern English literature accompanied by D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf who try to expose new facets of human being in his relation with the society. On the first hand, Lawrence and Woolf always attempt to show the urgent needs to establish different types of relationships within the same society or trespass the borders of the society's conventions. On the other hand, Forster seeks to go farther to highlight the need of a human culture and society to communicate and establish love liaison and affinity. These affinities and liaisons should be guided only by the pure notion of love purified of all the rigid restrictions imposed by the society like money, class differences and the cultural discrepancies or racial behaviours. So, Forster intends to marginalize these borders to ridicule the vicious  snobbishness of the English people in dealing with people of other societies and cultures.
  2. M. Forster is one of those writers who show the importance of the people of other societies. He (1938) always clarifies that "we should love each other or die". Since, he believes in the integrated spirit of human being in spite of the peril differences of financial status or the cultural background which always divide the people into superior and inferior. Forster highly believes in humanism, Abrams(1999:116), ( the trend that deals with class and culture and human nature) and liberalism that is to say to be equal with others. So, he attempts to call for the equality and the rights of all the people to love and be loved and express the feelings.





