فاعلية استراتيجية الامواج المعرفية المتداخلة في تنمية التفكير التأملي لدى طلاب الصف الاول المتوسط في مادة العلوم
The objective of the current research is to know the effectiveness of the cognitive waves strategy that is involved in the development of reflective thinking among the students of the first intermediate grade in science. In order to verify this, the researcher formulated the following zero hypotheses:
- There was no statistically significant difference at the level of (0,05) between the average score of the students of the experimental group who study according to the strategy of overlapping waves and the average score of students of the control group who study according to the usual way in the test of reflective thinking of the subject of science. There is no statistically significant difference at the level of (0,05) between the average score of the students of the experimental group studied according to the strategy of overlapping waves in the tribal and remote applications to test the contemplative thinking of science.
- There is no statistically significant difference at the level of (0,05) between the average score of students in the control group who study according to the usual method in the tribal and post-application to test the contemplative thinking of science.
The research sample consisted of 60 randomly selected students from Al-Masar School for Boys. The experimental group consisted of 30 students and the group 30 students. The two groups were rewarded with several variables (age, intelligence, previous achievement, reflective thinking test) The researcher prepared a test for the measurement of reflective thinking which included several abilities (meditation and observation) (visual vision), the detection of inaccuracies, and reaching conclusions, and the development of solutions proposed and to give convincing explanations. The researcher used the statistical bag for social sciences (SPSS) to extract the results, as follows:
- The students of the experimental group exceeded the control group students in the test to measure the contemplative thinking, as well as the existence of statistically significant differences at the level of (0, 05) between the pre tests of tribal and post-test to reflective thinking of students in the experimental group and for the post-test and the absence of a difference D In the light of the results, the researcher recommended some recommendations:
- Adopting the strategy of overlapping waves and their adoption in the teaching of science for the first grade of the average for its obvious effectiveness in contemplative thinking.
- Setting up programs and training courses to encourage teachers to use the strategy of overlapping waves in teaching science.
- Urging teachers to keep up with the spirit of the times in terms of education, using modern strategies and minimizing the use of traditional methods of teaching science.
- Directing the attention of specialists towards the benefit of the strategy of overlapping waves in the composition of science curricula.
The researcher also suggested several proposals:
1-Targets the use of methods, strategies, models and other approaches to the development of contemplative thinking.
- Using the strategy of overlapping waves and experimenting to show their effect in other variables such as (qualitative achievement - environmental culture - lateral thinking - habits of mind ..etc ..)