الرسائل الأدبية في كتاب قطر الغمام في شرح كلام الملوك ملوك الكلام للحويزي ( ت 1075 هـ ) - دراسة موضوعية


  • أ . د. رائد حميد البطاط
  • ابتسام فلاح مديح


The messages are from ancient prose types in human heritage, and writers practiced them and used them for multiple purposes, and Critics took care of them, so they laid the foundations for them and distinguished between their good and bad, so they formed an important part of the Arab prose, Al-Huwaizi took care of this literature in his work Qatar Al-Ghumam, as the letters occupied an important part of the book Al-Qatr, Al-Huwaizi selected a range of literary messages for a number of writers, according to the diversity of their ages, so the country came with eloquent messages, of various purposes, and high art, and has the research dealt with these messages as a topic, following the common classification of literary messages in terms of being divine, brotherhood,  and literary.                                                                


