العلاقات النّحويـة وأثرهـا الجمالي فـي التناسـق الصـوتــي


  • أ.م . د . ماجـد عيـَّال وهيـب
  • زينـة غالـب حميـد الخفاجـي


Grammatical relationships considers the means that the Qur'anic text has invested in creating phonemic harmony and at the level of its phrases and verses through the various images in which it is Formed such as presentation. Delay , deletion, etc. So that. Coherence in vocabulary interdependence in structures and harmany between methods are aehieved.                                     

    Also, the consistency of verbal, grammatical and phonetically gives the text aesthexic artistic values that make the rhythm very harmonious which in turn represents an important element of verbal factors that affest the recipient leading to aprecise understanding of the intended indications, of the full benefit of grammatical relationships and its use in creating an audio consistency being an important resource of embellishment in expression and aesthetic in formation.


