The Role of Literature in Anticipating Future Trends


  • Hafudh Farhood Abda Alsalim
  • Atef Ghalib Mohammad


Science Fiction, Multidisciplinary Approach, Jule Verne, From the Earth to the Moon


his paper explores the role of literature in shaping some tremendous inventions that came
later. It shows the prophecy of some authors. The study analyzes literary works to
demonstrate the importance of literature in forecasting future sociological, technical, and
cultural changes via themes, motifs, and story structures. A multidisciplinary approach is
used, in this study, to investigate how literature reflects and shapes the collective imagination,
fostering analytical thinking and generating discussions about possible future situations. It
displays scientific innovations that were predicted by writers in their literary works long
before they were really developed. Key innovations in contemporary life include the
spaceship, Moon landing, and submarine as depicted in Jules Verne's books, “From the
Earth to the Moon” and “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”. This study tries to show
the role of science fiction literature in predicting future routes and how it acts as a prophetic
medium, offering insights into the potential paths of humanity.


