Malapropism in Shakespeare’s plays “A MidSummer Night’s Dream”, &Love’s Labour’s Lost”


  • مرزوقة طعمة رحيل
  • زهراء عمار عبد


Malapropism  as  defined by  Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is "ludicrous misuse of words"  According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, a linguistic mistake occurs when one term is replaced with another that sounds similar but has a different meaning. This article aims to find out what type of malapropism is the most common  in Shakespesar’s plays “A Midsummer Night Dream “, and “Love’s Labour’s Lost “ .The study follows Teilanyo’s classification of malapropism (2020) to analyze the chosen data .The study concludes that expressive malapropism is the most frequent type used by the characters of the selected plays while perceptive is least common type.


