آراء المفسرين في الناسخ والمنسوخ


  • أ.م.د. رغد حسن علي السراج
  • مهند حميد ثجيل

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Commentators' opinions, Copyist , Abrogated


The study of transcription in the Noble Qur’an is of great importance to the commentators. This is due to the linkage of the copyist's knowledge of the abrogated in revealing the intention of the Almighty, and reaching the legal ruling, which is one of the tools of interpreting the Qur’an text, and that all the divine laws have signed copies in all of its books, especially the Shari’a of our master Moses and our master Jesus (peace be upon them) and its conclusion is the law of our master The Prophet Muhammad (may God Almighty peace be upon him, his family and his companions), and divine legislation is only for the benefit of human life over this universe, and accordingly it is not possible for an interpreter to interpret the Noble Qur’an, and a jurist cannot derive a legal ruling without the knowledge of the copyist and the abrogator who was the subject of attention and interest of scholars





