البنى الاسلوبية الصوتية في(قصيدة عاشوراء للجواهري )مقاربة سيميائية تداولية


  • أ.م .د.أحمد علي حنيحن
  • ا. م.د. مسلم هوني حسين

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Stylistic , Ashura, Semiotics ، Deliberative


Employs Find a package of data stylistic to detect the formation of rhythm in the poem of Ashura for the lapidary in the external manifestations represented by weight and rhyme and internal embodied single with ripples rhythmic sounds depending on the contrastive relations of the sounds of individual, as embodied internal music repeating units verbal in both horizontal and vertical, has exceeded Find the normative concept of the rhythm of rhyme in terms of definition and position; Watching dual rhythm which is not limited to the sound and rhythm of rhyme link context investigation, Elroy fusion of internal and external rhythm through the extension of the contextual rhythmic rhyme. Search Network hopes rhythmic sounds Elsafarah relations and Emphatic and laminated and Almjhorh and Almanmosh. Alai noted Search is subject to diets between rhythm and meaning.


