التصحيحُ اللغويُّ لدلالةِ الألفاظِ بينَ دُرَّةِ الغوّاصِ في أوهامِ الخواصِّ والمعجماتِ اللغويةِ ( دراسةٌ موازنةٌ


  • م. د. أسعد رزاق يوسف

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Adjustment , semantics , words , al-Hariri , dictionaries


This is a linguistic study of the meaning of words and their adjustment . This is an old field of study in our linguistics tradition appeared together with the emergence of accented Arabic speeches . Publication in this field started in the Second Century After Hijra (AH) by al-Kisae’s (189 AH) Ma Tulahhin Fih Ala'amah , and continued up to the Six Century AH when Durra al-Ghawwas fi Awham al-Khawas book appeared with a lot of linguistic adjustments in different fields of study. This book covers the semantics of syntactic structures , the semantics of morphological structures and lexicographic semantics of many words used by Arabs. al-Qasim bin Ali al-Hariri (516 AH) alerted of this linguistic adjustment , so as to save the Arabic language from semantic deviation occurred in some parts of the language . This study collects samples of dictionary meanings from Durra Al-Ghawwas and divides these samples into ten classes , according to their objective similarity . The study , then , examines the meanings of the samples in twenty Arabic dictionaries across eleven centuries, starting with A-Farahidi’s (175 AH) Al-'Ayn and ending in Al-Zabaidi’s (1205 AH) Taj al-Arus Min Jawahir al-Qamus . The study has followed a comparative analysis and discussion of the samples that were deformed by the illusion of the elite and then adjusted by al-Hariri . Next ,              a historical analysis is followed to examine the meanings of words in the dictionaries and the semantic deviation / change they got , and to discuss this deviation / change to arrive at results based on such analyses .


