ثقافة الشاعر النقدية وأثرها في شعره \ الشعر الفاطمي مثالاً


  • م .د . أحمد حمد سليمان

الكلمات المفتاحية:

culture, criticism , meaning , Fatimid , poetry ,ancient


Caring for criticism of poetry is considered lesson sessions and meetings in literary markets until the post are interested in them and have  included some critical issues their poems and poems, especially the poets of the Fatimid era who were originally critics and had critical books, or those who possessed a critical know –how and sense of criticism that denotes the sublime of critical thought and the advancement of taste and know-how these poets have in addition to their merit in trading and this in itself is added skill for them in accessing topics that are more consistent with prose than with poetry.


