العلاقات الأميركية - التايلاندية 1833-1945


  • م.د حيدر عبد العالي جبر

الكلمات المفتاحية:

US Relations, Thailand , Southeast Asia, Rama II


This is the beginning of the development of economic and political relations between the United States and the Kingdom of Thailand (Siam) for the period 1833-1945. This period marked the real beginning of American entry into Southeast Asia and the beginning of the American orientation to Thailand, which was the only country that did not Is subject to the occupation of colonial powers, so both countries found the real desire to strengthen and strengthen political relations, Thailand wanted to rely on a strong state through which to distance the colonial influence from them, while the United States wanted to have a foothold in Tai Land in particular and Southeast Asia in general, from here began the development of relations between the two parties, which took the side of economic and trade coating the length of research intersected by the political side at the end of the second scientific war to develop after that to form a solid basis for the relationship between the parties later.





