التنافس الاجنبي على امتياز نفط الكويت 1913-1934 دراسة تاريخية


  • م. م. ميثم مجيد عبد الجبوري

الكلمات المفتاحية:

)Kuwait, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Britain, oil


Kuwait has witnessed increasing international competition since the 19th century due to its strategic position. This competition extended to attempts to obtain the concession of oil exploration in Kuwait. Therefore, the first steps in this field began in 1913 when the first geological survey in Kuwait was carried out by the Maritime Mission This was followed by several geological surveys during the study period until KOC Limited, founded in 1934, contributed to the Anglo-British Company and the US Gulf Company in obtaining the right of exploration concession. About oil p Lands Kuwait and all its territorial waters for a period of 75 years and granted them at the time of Kuwait's ruler, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah in  December 23, 1934.




