مصادر الاخبار الصحفية الرياضية في الصحافة العراقية دراسة تحليلية للأخبار الرياضية في جريدة الملاعب


  • م.م احمد عباس كاظم الشطري

الكلمات المفتاحية:

News Sources ، Sports News ، Al-Malaib newspaper


Sports Journalism as being one of various means of sports media,  should hold the responsibility of providing the sports reader with honest information and correct news. Its success depends primarily on the reliable press sources, in addition to what is available at hand such as its own sources; the sport delegate and correspondent. Based on this perspective, the researcher tried to study the press sources in the sports journalism, taking up  Al-Malaib newspaper as his study case for the analysis.  The researcher adopted the descriptive method. He also used the analytical method as being one of research methodologies of analyzing contents. The study was carried out at the Iraqi  Al-Malaib headquarters, which was chosen for this purpose as being the only Iraqi newspaper that takes interest in sports news. Besides, it is daily issued and distributed in all Iraqi governorates.  The research took a whole span of week for accumulating sports news.  The research falls into three parts. In the first part, the methodical framework of the research was discussed. The second part was divided into two sub branches. The first deals with sports news, while the second deals with the sources of sports news. The third part focuses on the analytical study of sports press news published in the Iraqi Al-Malaib newspaper. The research has come out with a series of conclusions and advices.

The spatial area of ​​the research  is represented by Al-Malaib newspaper .The reason for selecting it is that itis the only sports newspaper in Iraq which is issued daily in Baghdad and distributed in the Iraqi provinces, as well as regularity of issuance. The researcher used the method of comprehensive inventory of sports news for one month  of 2018 .





