التوجه الديني وتشكيل هوية الانا الايدلوجية الدينية لدى الطلبة الموهوبين حسب متغيرات (النوع والتحصيل والصف) والحاجات الارشادية لتعديل توجههم الظاهري وتشتت هويتهم


  • أ.م. د عماد عبد حمزة العتابي

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Achievements, Moratorium, Foreclosure, Diffusion, Intrinsic Orientation


 In an attempt to identify the Religious Orientation and the Formation Of Religious Ideological Identity according to some demographic and educational variables, and the Counseling  needs of gifted students, Has been The study of the interaction between several main and  sub-variables, through the analytical descriptive approach and the application of a developed scale of Religious Orientation and a measure of the Formation Of Religious Ideological Identity on a sample of (103) of the Gifted Students  in the preparatory stage in the schools Muthanna province in the Republic of Iraq , The current research concluded that the Religious Orientation Extrinsic among the sample as a whole and according to its other variables except for a variable Academic achievement a privilege, And  differences in Religious Orientation for males and those a  variable Academic achievement a privilege, And a difference in Extrinsic Religious Orientation for females and sixth grade, And Ego-Identity  Diffusion among sample as all. And a difference in Ego-Identity Foreclosure in favor of females and those a variable Academic achievement a privilege, and at the level of Ego-Identity Diffusion in favor of females and those a variable Academic achievement a privilege, and sixth grade students. and The differences in the Ego-Identity Formation Of Ideological Religious in the type according to Religious Orientation, and the level is formation of identity achievements  in sample Intrinsic Religious Orientation, And Ego-Identity  Diffusion formation in sample of Extrinsic Religious Orientation, According to the results of research there was an urgent need for Counseling Services that can modify the Extrinsic Religious Orientation, and the Ego-Identity  Diffusion, and recommended  attention to religious education and satisfy counseling needs .





