لغةُ النَّقْدِ في التُّرَاثِ الأَدَبِي كِتَابُ (الوَشْيِ المَرْقُومِ في حَلِّ المَنْظُومِ) لضياءِ الدِّين بنِ الأَثِيرِ (ت637ه) أنموذجًا


  • م.د. صباح حسن عبيد التميمي

الكلمات المفتاحية:

The language of criticism . Al-Washi Al-Marqoum . the literary heritage.


The research tried to establish the concept of (the language of criticism) in the literary heritage discourse, which is  remarkable as an  phenomenon  which is famous    in the literature of the literary heritage in different eras, especially in the seventh century of migration.  This research is   dealt with the idea  which is built on descriptive speech, or a descriptive traditional critical reading, it is looked in  idiom  as an artistic aesthetic discourse (poetic or prose) to   appear the points of aesthetic glow in it and it is  marked  the poetic secrets in  its text its body. It is a reading based on inherited perspectives and solid critical standard  Hul Al-Nizoum) book In order to distance himself from (dropping) the perspective on (the recited), he falls into the critical things.      


