فلسفة عقد وكالة النكاح دراسة فقهية تفسيرية مقارنة


  • أ.م. د. هيثم حميد عبد الامير
  • أ.م.د. أحمد جبارعبد

الكلمات المفتاحية:

فلسفة عقد وكالة النكاح دراسة فقهية تفسيرية مقارنة


  1. a detailed presentation of what the agency language and terminology and impact in the search point.
  2. The sayings of the jurists and their jurisprudence is not sacred, so it is taken according to the evidence.
  3. The jurisprudence in the provisions of Sharia was differentiating between the words and actions in the door of the agency in terms of it is considered and not considered or received with one qualification.
  4. The door of the Agency of the important topics and reflected that importance in the door of marriage.
  5. The Islamic religion is built to ease and alleviate the burden of the taxpayer to eliminate the need of the principal people, walks and minerals and conditions are not in full capacity and capacity and this is the secret of inequality.





