اتخاذ القرار لدى طلبة المرحلة الاعدادية


  • ا.د انعام قاسم الصريفي
  • سجى عادل القرغولي


Current research aims to identify decision Making among the preparatory school students.evidence of differences in decision-making among preparatory school students according to sex variable (male-female) and the geographical location variable (rural-city) andspecialization variable (scientific-literary).

The current research was conducted on a sample of (400) of the preparatory stage students in Qalaat,and the researcher prepared a scale of decision making was based on the theory of cognitive dissonance of Festinger for decision-making where the scale included (29) paragraphs., it was applied to the sample and after completion of the researcher used suitable statistical methods to analyze data using the statistical portfolio of social sciences and the results of the research showedThe preparatory school students are able to take a decision.andThere is no difference in decision-making between males and females and scientific, literary, rural and city.


