مفهوم ( الكلمة ) في القرآن الكريم بين الحقيقة اللفظية والواقعية دراسة تفسيرية


  • م . د . ماجد حميد كصاب


The holy Quraan' contained a lot of concepts which together represented an objectivity unite that it should find the sharness between it's concepts that refers to a Quranic evidence or aim which walk along with the aims of Quraan' that enforces the human construction cognitively through the clearance his role as a successor for God,Unites him and builds his relation his brother ; the human from the window of unity . In this we found the meaning of human respect and from the window of humanity he respects the one who is different from him.

The clearst evidence and the rightouse way for the desired  justice in the holy Quran is the Unity of Almighty God . when the unity meant the knowledge of Almighty God , the creatures will be united their directions. Though the ( Word)  . comes as aninterpreting Quranic study , it high lights the meaning and the signs of the word which had been framed by the unity of Almighty God , even those whom get out of the God obidence will not be hasten by the torture just give them achance for return . so , the unity court yard is the dignity of humanity . The word manifested through many meaning :-

The virtual one which is ( the verbal  meaning ) , the realistic one which is the deapest . In this paper Ihigh light the realistic meaning of word through the objective connection between the holy verses which came in three sections that all connected to the Unity of aim .





