الأنتباه الأنتقائي البصري لدى طلبة الجامعة


  • ا.د انعام قاسم الصريفي
  • شهد جليل جعفر

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Visual Selective Attention, University Students


The current research aims to identify the visual selective attention of university students as well as to identify the differences according to the variables (gender, specialization), and has used the descriptive curriculum, and conducted the research on a sample of (400) students of Dhi Qar University by (200) students and (200) students of his student University Of Dhi Qar For the morning study they were selected from (two scientific kidneys and two human kidneys) for the academic year 2018-2019, the researcher adopted a test (Al-Mayahi, 2016) for visual selective attention and consists of (14) poverty, and the apparent honesty was extracted if the researcher adopted the percentage of expert agreement (80%) More and more and all paragraphs were relied on, and the stability of the test was confirmed using the method of re-testing and half-fragmentation, and has used statistical methods (ttest for one sample and two independent samples), and the results showed that the university students have a selective visual attention, as well as the presence of Differences in visual selective attention in favor of males, as well as the absence of differences in visual selective attention according to the specialty variable.





