الشخصية في كتاب نزهة الابصار ومحاسن الآثار للطبري الما مطيري


  • أ . د حسين علي عبد الحسين الدخيلي
  • زينب ريسان حميد


We note from the foregoing that the employment of the character in a non-narrative is important because of its role in the narrative through labels with semantic dimensions that may exceed their apparent limits when it leads to deeper connotations of symbolic features or draw their features or reveal their identity, as characters are classified In the book stroll vision for Tabari Alma Mutairi types based on specific criteria, depending on the importance of the role played in the narrative text will be key figures formed the axis around which events revolve and between secondary figures with complementary role revolving in the context in which the main characters revolve, Other personalities, including Eng A historical and some of them were cynical

The main, secondary, historical and sarcastic the Narration


