فاعلية استراتيجية هرم الافضلية في عادات العقل المنتج لدى طالبات الصف الرابع العلمي في مادة الفيزياء


  • أ.د جلال شنتة جبر
  • وردة خيرالله عبد

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Effectiveness. Strategy. Pyramid of Preference. Habits of the Productive Mind. the fourth scientific


The aim of the research is to know the Effectiveness of the Strategy of the Pyramid of Preference in Habits of the Productive Mind among students of the fourth scientific grade ,and to verify the following zero hypothesis was formulated:

"There is no statistically significant difference at level ( 0.05 ) between the average scores of students of the experimental group who are studying with the strategy of priority pyramid and the average scores of students of the control group who are studying in the traditional way in the test of Habits of the Productive Mind ''.

The researchers used the experimental approach and parity has been made for the two groups in variabls: the chronological age of months, cleverness, previous physical in formation , degrees of the first semester for the year (2019-2020) , the research sample consisted of (74) student that distributed by (36) student for experimental group, and (38) student for the control group, the researchers identified the scientific material in the chapters (first, second , third ) from the book of phsics for the fourth grade scientific , the behavioral purposes of these (184) behavioral purposes , Also the researchers prepared (18) plan for the experimental group and (18) plan for the control group . Habits of the Productive Mind test consisting of (44 ) items was prepared by the researcher. Validity , reliability and discrimination factor of this measure were calculated , The experiment was applied in the second semester of the year (2019 – 2020) and it lasted eight weeks , After the experiment the search tool was applied to booth groups (experimental and control) , the results showed that the students of the experimental group who studied the Strategy of the Pyramid of Preference the error are snperior to the control group who studied in the traditional way of tests solving Habits of the Productive Mind, In the light of this, the researchers came out with a group of : conclusions , recommendations and proposals .


