لفظة الأمّي في آيات التنزيل المبارك ـــ مقاربة قرآنية دراسة في ضوء آليات السياق لفهم النص القرآني


  • م.د. منذر زيارة قاسم
  • م. ابهر هادي محمد

الكلمات المفتاحية:

The Aummy Word: a Reading in the Linguistic Concept. * Context Procedures for the Comprehension of the Qur’anic Text. The Al-Nubua (prophecy) as it is reiterated * The Qur’anic word when the purpose is to classify its expressions


The present study entitled (Al-Aummy Word in the Verses of the Holy Scripture: A Qur’anic Comparison in term of Context Procedures for the Comprehension of the Qur’anic Text) studies the word as linguistic uniqueness of the Holy Qur’an to explain the word of Al-Aummy which has been mentioned in two verses of the Holy Scripture, and which has been debated by the old and modern exegetists and linguists. The study stands at the semantics of this word within the Qur’anic context for the verses as well as the context of the verse in relation to other verses.

After surveying the vocabularies of the Holy Scripture, it’s possible to assuredly say that the best approach to the study of the Qur’anic word when the purpose is to classify its expressions, we have to examine its context if not all the contexts. So, the research has adopted this approach to arrive at the meanings of the word Al-Aummy that comply with its contextual message.

The study assumes that the implied meaning of the word Al-Aummy in the two verses of Al-A’raf chapter is the same meaning of the lexicographers, but its context implies another meaning of the originality of the Al-Nubua (prophecy) as it is reiterated by the exegetists that Al-Nubua is root of Al-Resala (the message). This meaning that we refer to is close to the context of the verse. 

