(دلالة الصوتيّة لحرف الضاد في العربيّة (آيات التنزيل إنموذجاً


  • م.د . فاطمة عبدالزهرة عبدالجليل، البصرة


it was to contain a single Arabic Letter Arabic our language impact in individual mode through its significance, and impact on the sentence and the entire composition, being the voice of the moral strength is revealed as a powerful voice for the anmas from dishes and  superimposition and magnification. And many vocabulary has been overwhelming contain this character as well as the vocabulary of the download, if download Aziz Constitution must in this case choose from characters in the vocabulary impact crucify the bonds of power when the routing distances and effective provisions and ethical principles thatThe DAAD in the vocabulary of character demonstrated the power and intensity, and was so effective in its position, and semantic domain through the annexed letters applied voice that I did do at moments. The Arabic character in some of the vocabulary connotation of weakness to the anmas from looseness, as veterans and this confirms the reality of the ancients that voice applied mestal stressed flaccid, not like the modern that sound great.


