الحزب الشيوعي اللبناني ومواقفه السياسية 1924-1958


  • ا. م . د . فتحي عباس خلف الجبوري

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Lebanon Communist Party Syria Palestinian cause Western alliances


      The research aimed to shed light on the origins and establishment of the Lebanese Communist Party and its internal and external positions until the end of the era of Lebanese President Camille Chamoun in 1958. The research included an introduction and three topics, as well as a brief overview of the spread of the Communist movement in the Arab world and how it penetrated into Lebanon, and then the general conditions  In Lebanon, prior to the establishment of the Communist Party, an introduction was made in clarification of the reasons behind our selection of the topic of discussion, and then its origins and role at the Lebanese internal level, as well as its position on some issues at the external level in order to come out with something useful through the positions of this party, and our research came to rely on  A number of unpublished documents as well as newspapers and other sources.                                 

  A delegation that exposed the Lebanese Communist Party to a lot of political strikes, just as its leaders were subjected to arrest and prosecution by the Lebanese authorities. The party also opened to the rest of the Lebanese parties and participated with them in joint programs to contribute to building Lebanese society. The first topic shed light on the circumstances of the establishment of the Lebanese Communist Party, while the second topic emphasized the party's role and stances on internal issues in Lebanon and Syria during the period between the two world wars, while the third topic presented the party's stance on the issue and the Palestinian state, while revealing the reasons that led the party to recognize  (Israel) as well as his position on the projects and western alliances that rocked the region in that period  


