الإقناع الثقافي في خطب الخلفاء الفاطميين (توظيف القرآن الكريم اختياراً)


  • أ. د. عباس جخيور سدخان
  • عهد طاهر عبيد

الكلمات المفتاحية:

: The Quran, Speeches, The Fatimid Caliphs, Persuasion, Fatimid era.


    Speeches are among the most prominent persuasive methods of all ages. As it opens the door for the preacher to deliver what he intends to deliver to the recipient, and in order to fulfill his mission, he must employ multiple persuasive means, and therefore (the Noble Qur’an) is one of the most prominent of these employments. When it contains within its folds persuasive methods of eloquent effect and a respectable sanctity for all Muslims, all these reasons have made preachers employ it in their sermons throughout the ages, from the noble Messenger to the Fatimid caliphs and to this day.


