مدام نيكر ودورها الثقافي في فرنسا (1737-1794)


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The weakness of European women in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries led them to do something that would engage the attention of society to them seriously. After the European women working in textile factories , they became owners of literary salons for the pioneers of literature and politics , this period witnessed a great activity for women in the field of literature and politics. As well as the women outstanding role in the discussion and talk. This difference in the role of women is due to the repercussions of the French Revolution and their participation in the revolution.

Madame Necker was an influential character in French society especially that she own salon frequented by prominent Literary , political and religious characters.

Madame Necker was a beauty , intelligence and virtuous women , married from Chak Necker a rich man with a distinguished political. She founded and directed a charity hospital , published several treatises , and wrote prolifically enough for her husband to publish the posthumous five – volume. She was Swiss Calvinist and bourgeois.





