في طبيعة وعمل المسجد والجامع والمدرسة في المشرق دراسة تحليلية


  • ا.م.د. أسماء عبدالله غني

الكلمات المفتاحية:

alkatatib , almasjid , aljamie, the school


The primary educational institutions that started with the teachers of the Ketubis have shown their educational role in raising the boys legally and religiously. The study focused on reading the Holy Quran and the Hadith, especially that it was dedicated to the children of the general public. Which differed from the role of the devotees who were interested in teaching a special class of students represented by the sons of the caliphs of the Umayyads and Abbasids and the caliphs in the reality of their lessons choose from the last and the best of those who worship in science and knowledge to teach their children the rules of Sharia The mosque of the second educational institution, which had an interest in the growth of religious sciences since the time of the Prophet () and included a cycle of jurisprudence and one of the assets in contrast to the large mosques that were established in the various Islamic eras, which was held in various knowledge workshops, including jurisprudence, Hadith, interpretation, grammar, Of things and traditional knowledge. These knowledge workshops have moved more widely and accurately to the schools that first spread to Benisapur, and later in Baghdad and other Islamic places





