دراسات في الخطبة الفدكية


  • م.م. إسراء شرشاب عايد
  • م.م. هدى جواد كاظم


    Certainly Verily Fadek case in Al-Zahras (peace be upon her) perspective , is really not a matter of donation or inheritance which has been pulled out from her hand , for reasons made up or justified by authority. Really it is considered as more dangerous than that too much. It is definitely formed a risky indication in life of Islamic state , and in the life of the new born Islamic experiment as well. That experiment and the state that the prophet (Allah blessing and peace be upon him) himself has struggled so harshly to make upon the right charter and justice balance. The state that he did want to extend into the whole planet and periods of times.                                                                                         

     The danger is really located in the authority rushing , that which is supposed to be responsible to protect the experiment to obtain the gains. That authority was trying to engage wholly on the leadership positions , regardless of the settled originals , and the considered texts. Therefore , Al-Zahra (peace be upon her) was standing up to and deal with for such a state , in order to hinder of approving risky and expected results. Upon all that Fadek rising in all its general dimensions was to enlighten Umma , leaders and individuals and peoples of these horrible dangers which were waiting them in case of heading towards.





