تجليات الوعي الذاتي في قصص سناء الشعلان


  • a. M. Dr.. Ali Hassan Jalloud Al-Zaidi
  • Sana Jabbar Hayawi Al-Abboudi


                   Sanaa Al Shalan is a creative storyteller. She is one of the Jordanian students with a great intellectual taste in her literary productions, both in terms of story, novel, theater, production, and media, as well as her role in most humanitarian and community organizations. To get out of her self-consciousness, taking Shaalan from the starters to express the suffering, by absorbing the public and private gaps, and the surrounding links, and then reproduce them self-consciously, the text from the private space to the public; because the text is a linguistic and intellectual outcome of the experiences of the The sense of Shalan, its point of view, and its artistic start are uniting in one direction, as it opens up in the fictional world to draw the features of a group of resonant voices and a transcendent rhetoric that rejects To the domination and marginalization of the other, and this means that the self is fully aware of the importance of its existence and entity and its concentration in the country of origin, this study has tried to shed light on the manifestations of self-awareness in the narrative discourse of Shaalan and follow their consciousness and manifestations on the psychological, social, In the third axis came the very revolutionary title, in which we talked about the revolution of the social self and its political revolution. The fourth and final axis came under the title of self and identity acquisition, revealing the two directions of the first takeover of the identity of the authorized identity, and the second acquisition of the identity of the symbol





