تنظيم ومهام الشرطة في العصر العباسي الاول 132-218هـ/740-833م


  • م.م ضياء محسن عبد الرزاق

الكلمات المفتاحية:

تنظيم ومهام الشرطة في العصر العباسي الاول


This is one of the most important and sensitive issues in the Abbasid state. This is because of the importance of the police institution and its great role in the state and society. Its missions were varied and varied. It was its duty to protect the caliphs, ministers and governors, maintain security and strike at corrupters and preserve public morals .

The study dealt with the organization and functions of the police institution through two subjects. The first section was devoted to introducing the police in terms of language and terminology. It also shed light on the police organizations in the Umayyad era. He also referred to the police organizations and the formations of his apparatuses .

The second topic dealt with the appointment of the owners, the police and the preparation and training of the police, and also the development of police services, and explained the duties and functions of the police in the first Abbasid period.





