النجف الاشرف في ظل الحكم البريطاني المباشر 1917 – 1920النجف الاشرف في ظل الحكم البريطاني المباشر 1917 – 1920


  • م .د . رحيم حسن محمد الشامي

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Najaf British Coxsir Percy Revolution


This research sheds light on Al Najaf holy city under British direct administration. It focuses on the development of political in the city during the British troops entrance Iraq. Aimed to occupies it. Because the importance of Al Najaf holy city History as one tributary of Iraqi history so, the holy city affords the political. Economic, social even the cultural concerns of Iraq

    In November 1914 Al Najaf holy city adopted a clear position against the entrance of British troops to Al Basra city. Its position associated with its religious standing. The holy city announced its opposition to this occupation and announced the Fatwa of Jihad (defense) against British troops in all Iraqi areas especially the southern tribal to repelling this troops. In 1915 as a result of the necessities of the war, British authority agreed to put Al Najaf holy city under its people authority, then British troops try to transfer this authority from Najaf people to the British troops again, which made the situation in getting more worse and disturbed very quickly leaded to a revolution in 1918 named by the city name, followed by British referendum aimed to impose greater control on the holy city which rejected by Najaf people . these combined things as well as other things caused a main reason of deepening split difference between Najaf people and British troops, which culminated in the established of the 1920 revolution


