التدوير العقلي لدى معلمي الصف الأول الأبتدائي


  • . د . عبد الكريم عطا كريم
  • حنين قاسم شنان

الكلمات المفتاحية:

The mental rotation , first grade teachers.


The current research aims to Identify the level of mental rotation ability, and to Identify the differences in the ability of mental rotation according to sex variable among of teachers of the first grade of primary, In order to achieve the objectives of the research adopted  descriptive approach, and the mental rotation test was applied as a research tool , which was prepared by( Abbas, 2005),adopted for this purpose after confirming and suitability for the basic research sample of  ( 250 ) male and female teachers ( 43 ) male and ( 207 )female teachers,  randomly selected from the school of Nasiriya education Center/ Dhi- Qar governorate, and when the research data were treated statistically using the T- test for one sample and two independent samples, the results of the research showed that first grade teachers do not have a good level of mental rotation, as well as the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences according to sex variable in the ability of mental rotation, the research come out with a set of recommendations and suggestions .


